I guess most of you are now familiar with me. I'm Tim Donehy, aka BigTimmy, the reason being that I have a huge cock and that I am extremely muscular. I discovered my special gift when I was 10 and I measured my cock at eleven inches erect! I'm now fourteen years-old and my dong has expanded to over fifteen inches in length and nearly 10 inches in girth (that's a little over three inches wides, ie : larger than a can of Coke).

Vampire nights

Joyce relaxed, taking her customary seat in the crowded room. It was so good to get some time alone and leave the 'dig' to its own devices. The last couple of months had been a constant battle against time and the ham fisted construction crews.

The auctioneer walked in and the murmur in the salesroom reduced to a polite whisper. Joyce shifted slightly in her seat and was finally able to get a clear view. She hoped the substantial man in front of her would stay put for the next hour or so. On the whole Joyce enjoyed being what the polite would call "petite" and the more direct "damn short", but it did present a few problems from time to time.

Cumswappers story

Max was dreaming that Jackie, sated with intercourse in the ordinary style, had moved down in the bed and taken his prick in her warm, loving mouth. The dream had a compelling reality that finally stirred him into awakening, and he then saw it had not been entirely a dream at all. However, it wasn't Jackie who was mouthing his prick; it was Pris! He gasped with surprise when he looked down and saw her blue eyes looking up at him, her mouth stuffed with his flaming flesh. Her look implored him to be quiet and not disturb Hal or Jackie, who lay flat on their backs, snoring steadily.